NATO: Taliban outnumbered around Kandahar
By Slobodan Lekic - The Associated Press
Posted : Wednesday Sep 8, 2010 12:43:51 EDTBy Slobodan Lekic - The Associated Press
"BRUSSELS — The NATO-led coalition has overwhelming numerical superiority over the Taliban around the key southern Afghan city of Kandahar and expects to clear the area of insurgents by November’s end, a top commander said Tuesday."
OK....let's think about this, people. Afghanistan has a population of about 30 million. NATO/ISAF/UNAMA - call it what you will but none of it Muslim - adds up to 500,000 if you squint at it in the right light. In the countries that surround Afghanistan, we have:
Pakistan: population 174 million, % Muslim 95
Iran: population 66 million, % Muslim 98
Turkmenistan: population 5 million, % Muslim 89
Tajikistan population: 7 Million, % Muslim 95
Uzbekistan population 27 million, % Muslim 90
China population 1,300 million, % Muslim 1-2
So, the vast majority of this population is Muslim. If you do the arithmetic - it's not mathematics - we have a minimum of 273 million Muslims surrounding Afghanistan, not counting the 30 million Muslims in Afghanistan. Since we have a NATO force in Kandahar of, say, 100,000 max in the middle of a Muslim sea of 300 million, that means we've got them surrounded. You know, I'm not so sure what kind of coffee they're smoking down at the NATO Public Information Office, Media Operations Center, NATO Headquarters, Blvd Leopold III 1110 Brussels, Belgium, but it's giving off a powerful aroma of MACV.
Lady Elizabeth Butler's painting 'The Remnant of an Army' depicts Dr William Brydon, sole survivor of the British retreat from Kabul in 1842.